Single MSV
The single MSV (Multi-Service Vehicle), consisting of a single frame equipped with the powerpack, one driver cabin in each direction and 4 to 12 wheels, can transport payloads of up to 84 tonnes. With the 3 standard steering modes (2 wheels steering, all wheels steering and crab mode) it is easy to operate. Adjusting the size to your project’s demands, it offers efficient transport solutions covering the full range of small diameter micro tunnelling to large diameter tunnelling for railway and road applications.
Multi-trailer MSV
The multi-trailer MSV (Multi-Service Vehicle) combines the advantage of high payloads with improved turning ability. Between the front trailer (in direction of drive entering the tunnel) and the tractor which carries the power pack, several trailers are integrated to optimize the vehicle’s payload and steering capacity. Typical payloads for these vehicles range between 60 and 180 tonnes. The trailer connects to the tractor and to each-other, if several trailers, via drawbars providing active steering of the wheel modules, assuring overall track accuracy.
Flexible Load Configuration
The flexible equipment of the MSV with multiple superstructures and additional equipment is key to the cost-optimized large range of applications. Changing the vehicle’s load composition in a very short time provides efficient logistics solutions for:
- The continuous transportation and repetitive supply of segments, grout and other consumables required during TBM excavation.
- The cyclic transportation of material and equipment for the extension of services (pipes, air duct, etc.) installed in the tunnel, transportation of equipment during maintenance shifts, the construction of cross passages and final tunnel installation.
- On-the-spot delivery of concrete for cast-in-situ pouring of the tunnel invert, secondary lining and shotcrete installation.
- Safe crew transportation in special modules for up to 24 passengers accessing the TBM and other workplaces on the site.
- Hauling of muck and other excavation material out of the tunnel to the deposit areas on the site.
Power Source and Drive Technology
TMS’s vehicles are powered with the energy of your choice:
- The diesel-powered hydraulic aggregate impresses with its robustness and is the most widely used technology around the world with very well-known maintenance procedures, easy to supply energy source (fuel) and emission treatment according to local norms.
- Battery powered vehicles contribute to emission-free transport solutions with a direct impact on site by reduction of ventilation demands and improved working conditions in the tunnel. This technology is well suited for short tunnel drives and small diameter tunnels.
- The hybrid technology is the convincing combination of diesel and electric technology which benefits from the advantages of both solutions: reduction of exhaust fumes, noise and heat emission in the tunnel, fast refueling and easy to maintain.
Guiding Assistance Systems
- The passive guiding assistance system implements ultra-sonic sensors to detect the distance of the vehicle to objects and supports the operator driving in limited spaces with visual and auditory indications.
- The active automatic guiding system based on laser distance measurement controls the steering of the vehicle in the very confined conditions in the back-up of the TBM or other special areas in the tunnel at reduced speed with very precise positioning.
- Specially developed for small diameter tunnels is the active automatic guiding system in restricted areas based on pitch measurement correction.
Safety Assistance Systems
TMS has developed different safety assistance systems:
- The reverse video camera allows the driver to maintain the overview during short reverse drives.
- The ultra-sonic reverse sensors with visual and auditory indications inform the driver about the distance to objects behind the vehicle.
- The zone and people detection system assists the driver in locating specific slow-speed areas in the tunnel and moving persons respectively obstacles in the projected driving path of the vehicle.
TMS range of products

Self-Propelled Transport Shuttles

The Shuttle transports up to 50 tons and runs from 3 to 5km/h speed.
Its ramp climbing capacity is up to 3%.
A compact design allows the shuttle to enter a shaft lift to go from the ground segment stockyard down to the tunnel entrance.
Operator drives it by remote control.
An optional automatic driving mode can be activated for long straight zones.
Safety is ensured by a front camera, obstacle detection and emergency button.

Personnel Service Vehicle (PSV)
The PSV (Personnel Service Vehicle) provides dedicated, safe and comfortable crew and passenger transportation with ergonomic seating for improved organization of shift changes and transportation of visitors.

Rescue Chamber Vehicle (RCV)
The special rescue chamber installed on the RCV (Rescue Chamber Vehicle) provides a safe shelter during crew transportation in exceptional situations. The special design of the vehicle complies with the most demanding safety regulations.

Rail-Road Vehicles
TMS’s tailor made rail-road vehicles offer maximum flexibility when it comes to the combination of rail and tire-bound logistics. Its ideal ranges of application are the final installations of the tunnel and post-completion maintenance works.
The vehicle easily drives on flat ground and the curved surface of the segments on its rubber tires and transforms to a rail-bound logistics vehicle via driving over a short conversion ramp onto the rails and vice versa.

MSV for maritime and civil construction
Whenever it comes to heavy load transportation on long, narrow stretches of driving routes, the Multi-Service Vehicle plays all its strengths. This innovative logistics solution of the proven MSV technology enhances the range of application to another very constrained environment: breakwater construction! The compact vehicles are adapted for the heavy loads and do not require turnarounds.